Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Monday, December 27, 2010


Well, we headed to Lubbock for the holiday, and had a blast, of course!!  I wish that I had kept count of the dozens of hwy 82 trips I've made to Lubbock over the past 24 years--quite a few, no doubt.  I bet we're approaching triple digits.  As I already mentioned, this month is the 60th anniversary of my grandparent's wedding, and so we all *meaning, their three children, their children, and the one great-grandson* made the trip over, down, up, whatever-- to celebrate.  I grew up having a week every summer with my cousins (shout out to Cousin's Week!  Incredible concept executed by genius grandparents), plus a holiday here and there, and I am so thankful for that time.  Anyways, here are a few Christmas pics--the group, as well as the annual basketball game.

Too many jokes to choose.

My dad (right, in blue) and his brother (front) are some of the handsomest (real word?) men I know.

Ben is really really really reallyreallyreally good.

Sorry Jen, just had to close with your presh little series there.  xo to you.

Merry Christmas to you!


xoxo Bec

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