Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

What I didn't think about when I decided to become a teacher

Editor's note:  This may include a little sarcasm and a little cynicism, but it also includes a lot of love.

When I decided that I was called to be a teacher, I was a 19-year-old college almost-sophomore who had also decided that I was in love and was going to transfer universities, away from the best friends I'd ever made, and to the man I'll love for the rest of my life.  This was a very romantic stage of my life.  I was having a lot of quiet time alone with myself, trying to figure out how to make the best of what seemed like the worst, and how to also keep my feet on the ground when I felt like flying for happiness.  Conflicting emotions, yes.  A time for idealism to take root and thrive?  Oh yes.

So when I decided to become a high school teacher, I had a beautiful picture of my future in mind.

Students, coming to me with their problems, which I effortlessly solve with a kind smile and a few words--wisdom beyond my years, of course.  Plenty of extra time to build strong relationships with co-workers.  Having just the right attitude and love for the hard-to-reach student.  No kiddo would ever drop out after they met me.  I'd grow daffodils and give away lollipops and lemon drops, and my room would have kittens and bunny rabbits, and all students would leave my classroom in a state of pure zen, and they'd go out into the world preaching the good news of Education and Love and Jesus, even though I'd surely teach in the hardest of inner-city schools with the strictest of administrators who wouldn't let me live my Christian life publicly, but don't worry--it would just flow from my pores.

Idealism is a beautiful thing, really.

Thing is...really...I think I am in the ideal situation.  I've yet to find any kittens in my room, and lollipops are more expensive than I thought, but my school is lovely and wonderful and jolly, and I love it.  Perfect?  No.  But good, so very good?  Yes.

This is my classroom, view from the back corner.  I'm the lucky duck who got a classroom full of new desks!

...and now from the door.  Cutesy little room with a big blank wall...don't know what to do with it!  Any ideas?

So, I didn't think about the amount of paper flow from me to my students back to me , back to my students...and so forth.  I didn't have any sort of tray system my entire first year.  Whatadummy.

I also didn't think about summer reading assignments.  Eek.  Sorry kiddos!!  I'll be done grading them soon.  Ish.

TRASH.  Oh my gosh.  We throw out so much every day!  Luckily, my school is in its second year of a paper recycling program, and it's really a blessing.

Emergency backpacks!  Complete with class rosters, a mini-stop/go sign, a whistle (I think), and there used to be some snacks in there for the diabetic kiddos.  Yes, used to be.  Curious?

...mice.  Another thing I didn't think about.  First fire drill of my career, I check the bag, only to find this little hole, and no more peanut butter crackers.  Sick.

First of all, I get to control my own temperature!!  Horray!!  Second of all, I never realized what a temperature difference there is with and without twenty other bodies in the room.  Poor AC unit works pretty hard with the kiddos are there.

Tardy sheets.  And tutorial sign-ins.  And bathroom sign-outs.  Micro things like this are very hard to remember for a macro-manager like me.

 I never realized how heavily I'd rely on supplemental materials!  And BINDERS.  Good gosh.

I'm not sure why I have a roll of toilet paper...but I'm sure it'll come in handy sometime.

 Sticky notes.  Vital.  You may get me some for my birthday or Christmas or both if you wish.

Filing!  Between communication documentation, SpEd kiddos and their paperwork, training materials, and who knows what all else...yeah.  Filing.  Didn't think about that.  Also, I didn't have the hardware to actually hang my files in this little guy my entire first year and half of the next.  Really comes in handy.

I definitely didn't think I'd be the sponsor of any organizations!!  I have Beta club, which is great.  The kids are awesome.  And I think I'm finally figuring out what it actually is.  Which will be to everyone's benefit.

I just like this photo.  :)

Keys!  Remember how your coaches would always swing their lanyards around?  I don't know why they do it, so I can't answer that question for you, but I can tell you that I'm definitely not very good at it.

I didn't realize that a lot of technology that made its way into high schools (between the time I graduated from one and then came back to work at one) looks like ET.

But most of all, I didn't realize the blessings I'd start receiving so soon.  I have been privileged to teach the Best People in the world, and I love them all!

I'm not trying to brag that I'm so loved (ain't braggin' if it's the truth!!  haha, just kidding), I just want to share that the public school system still works.  The kids are getting smarter and stronger.  The teachers still laugh.  We love each other.  We're willing to fight to get the respect we deserve--both students and teachers--and we have a lot of fun.  Pay me what you want.  Take away funding, whatever.  We're still going to do our jobs and do them right, because it's the Right Thing.  I'm not a veteran teacher by any means, but I do love my job, and I still have a little idealism somewhere deep inside me, so watch out.

I believe that every kid has the right to be taught by teachers who aren't hardened, supported by peers who know what grace is, and lead by administration who makes kid-decisions.  That's another thing I didn't think about when I decided to become a teacher.  Convictions and feelings and whatnot.  The life-long battle.  It's beautiful, really.

xoxo Bec

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Coming SOON!

I feel like such a bad blogger!  In early July (or late June?...for some reason I can't remember.  Maybe the drugs...) I got my wisdom teeth out, and after that, I pretty much took my true summer vacation until a couple weeks ago.  Not many photos to take in July's heat , anyway!  But school has started back up, and I have ink on my hands from grading, so I know cooler weather is just around the corner, and it'll be about time to start taking photos again soon!

I have some lovely bridals to show off after a certain upcoming wedding, so look for that soon after September 10!  Dani is going to be a stunning bride.  More bridals to be taken tomorrow after school as well--so just hold on to your boot straps! (Is that even a saying?)

Also, I have another senior next weekend (more of my babies growing up!  --though this one would shudder to know I called him a baby :), and hopefully a few more that are in the works will solidify soon.

Curious--who out there might be interested in some pre-Christmas photos this fall?  I have beautiful products that make for poignant gifts, and I love the whole Christmas-card-picture-adventure as well!  I'm wanting to run a few specials, but I want to make sure to choose appropriate products and prices, so please leave me a comment with your suggestions!  I'm excited to hear from you.

More from me soon!  I think I'm going to take a few pictures of my classroom tomorrow to show off to this blogisphere.  Not that it's terribly special, but hey, it may be interesting to a few of you!

xoxo Bec

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Riley and Kolden

Warning:  Many photos ahead!!  Proceed with caution!!

I had so much fun taking photos of these two earlier this week!  I met up with Kolden and Riley's family at Celebration Park in Allen (I'd never been there before--super cool!  Definitely need to go back) on the one day of the week that the spash pad runs dry.  So sad.

However, even though we didn't have a way to beat the heat, I'd say we were victorious!  These brothers are sweet and precious and so gosh darn lovable--and a bit photogenic, I say.  :)  Kolden never broke out the sweet grin I've heard so much about, but he did supply us with a wide array of funny faces, which miiiight be even better.

xoxo Bec

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy Friday!!

I haven't been the best summer blogger :/ BUT I'm about to make up for it, 120%!  Ever heard of Kathryn Boswell?  If not...keep tabs on her name.  You'll be seeing it in lights some day.

Anyhow, she's a dear friend and a member of a dear family, and Jeff and I were so excited to hear that she'd be spending a week of the summer in NYC!  Now...I'm a theater/showtune/everythingclassy dunce, so I'm not sure I'll explain this correctly, but I'll try.  Carner & Gregor are two writers (I believe) who just hosted BARELY LEGAL SHOWTUNE EXTRAVAGANZA III in New York City.  It's an exhibition of their talents, but they bring in students to perform, thus exhibiting their talents as well.  Kathryn's an incoming junior at CCM and is stunning.  Please enjoy.

xoxo Bec

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Alex and Ellen

What's the best part about being 16?


Best friends?

Feathered hair?

Laughing at your dorky former teacher?

School spirit?

...okay I've got nothing for this one.  Overpasses?

16 was fun.  I'd do it again!  Would you?

xoxo Bec

Monday, August 1, 2011

Russell and Marie

Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a young couple with a little boy who moved to a new house in a little town with a little lake and no friends.  This young couple wanted so badly to make new friends, because they loved their new house in their little town--so they went to a little church, and met The Perfect Friends, who had a little boy and a little girl of their own.  Time went on, and each couple had another little girl, and then the young couple had one more, so each lucky couple had one little boy and then two little girls, and they all grew up together playing games and practicing the piano and building forts together, as they were all warriors and princesses, of course.  The Perfect Friends and the young couple stuck together for years and years and taught their children that friendship is Important and Worth It.

Please meet The Perfect Friend's oldest son and the girl who is Worth It to him.

Congratulations to the new young couple, and many wishes and prayers for everyone you meet to be The Perfect Friends, just as your parents were for mine.

xoxo Bec