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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Loren | Dallas, Texas Fitness Model Photographer

Loren (or La, as her family calls her), is from my hometown and is an absolute jewel!  I remember playing together when we were little girls and arguing about who got to play with which Barbie.  We went to the same high school and our families have always been friends.  When she contacted me several weeks ago about being a part of putting together a fitness modeling portfolio, I JUMPED at the chance!!  After you see this beautiful girl, you'll know why.

I had so much fun with Loren and her beautiful mama.  I know you'll be seeing her soon!!

xoxo Bec

1 comment:

  1. Hello - I ran across your site and this model. I publish a health and fitness magazine in Austin, TX. I am interested in having her model in one of our editions.

    would you mind providing an introduction through email? My email is Our magazine is

    thank you!

