Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mom and Dad | Howe, Texas Photographer

Okiedoke, I've got another preview for you.  Since...oh...before Christmas, my parents and I have been trying to coordinate our schedules to get some photos taken of them, and, alas...we're busy peeps.  It was hard to do. good church and a great lunch with the happened.  Here's evidence.

When I have all the pics done and post them, I'll probably go all ooey-gooey with a big long write-up containing a sweet anecdote, a joke or two, a bit of advice for people who want to stay married for the next 28734 years, and an apology for having such an awesome family, but for now, I'll just show you the pictures.

This one is my favorite, for pretty obvious reasons...

 Betcha just can't wait to see the rest!! 

xoxo Bec

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