Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Aaron and Aleigha: Married

Sometimes it seems like there aren't any more fairy tales.  No more princes to rescue princesses who are quite strong but still in need of saving.  No more fathers willing to fight for their daughters.  No more love songs--none worth much, anyhow.  No more ruby slippers.

I am here to tell you--there are still fairy tales.

With them come slippers

and jewels

and flowers more magical than you can imagine.

Secret tokens of love

in places unexpected.

Gowns for princesses

and princesses themselves.

Doting friends

and hearty laughter.

A reason for beauty

and exceptional beauty, at that.

Fathers with Great Love for their sons

many of these fathers.


and meaningful looks

and fine garments.

And most of all--don't you forget it--there is true love's kiss.  But here's where fairy tales get it wrong--this isn't love's first kiss, but neither is it the last.  And there is a beauty in that in-between place.  A smooth, polished beauty.  The kind that shows blemishes easily, but also the kind that reflects the radiance of the sun.

And before the fairy tale is over, there is always a grand ball.  A magnificent affair.  Something worthy of the two it celebrates.

And they will live happily ever after.

xoxo Bec

Monday, March 26, 2012


Today and tomorrow only!

Contact me: and I'll re-open your online gallery.

Save $12 or more!

Minimum $50 purchase.

xoxo Bec

Sunday, March 11, 2012

A+A Wedding: Details

My lovely bride has quite the way with details.  A huge congrats to Aaron and Aleigha, who married last night!  More photos to follow in the coming weeks.

xoxo Bec

Saturday, March 10, 2012


Introducing the sweetest, most beautiful baby boy.

xoxo Bec

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Reminder: Casting Call!!

CASTING CALL for Senior Reps!

Basically, I'm looking for a few local young men and young women to represent me in their schools for the 2012-2013 school year.  They will get to get a STYLIZED shoot (meaning: hair. makeup. coordinated clothing with location. the works.) along with a package of beautiful prints, and the opportunity to recruit for BE Photography.  It's the best.  And it's free.  And there is a reward system for referrals as well.

Total potential value of this sweet deal:  $450!!

Email me by March 31 with the above information in order to be considered!  Picks will be selected by the end of April.

I have a few wonderful girls who have put their name in, don't miss out on the opportunity to be included!

xoxo Bec