Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

BarronCP | Recording Artist

I don't know if "Recording Artist" is actually the right label for this guy or not, but it's at least pretty close!  Barron is a dear dear friend, and he graced my classroom last Friday with a host of dynamic and inspirational presentations.  My kids were floored.  And you know tenth graders don't tend towards that reaction too often.  So this guy is the real deal.  Fo realz.  Follow BarronCP on twitter!  @BarronCP

These photos were taken before we left the school with my snazzy new flash ring.  Not too shabby!

Barron likes to fly.  In fact, this is how he travels.  You know, in the air.

This location may look familiar--we used the same location as Loren's shoot.  Glorious.


MMM yes!!  You'll be hearing more from this guy.

xoxo Bec

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