Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Headache avoided! Packaging made simple.

Recently I found myself scouring the internet, trying to find affordable, yet beautiful packaging for my disks and products, as well as tools to make informational booklets to send to brides, etc. I was overwhelmed thisfast. Do you know how BIG the internet is?! Haha...stupid comment...but seriously.

The cheap stuff would help me keep my prices as low as possible...but it wasn't very pretty. So I'd start looking at products a liiiittle nicer. Then a liiiiittle nicer. Then, OOH look at this one! but it was waaay too pricey. Conundrum.

Then...the Great Solution. I shouldn't capitalize that. Jesus is definitely the Great Solution. And this is definitely not as cool as Jesus. But it's not too shabby, either.

Caroline Ghetes posted an incredibly helpful article on her blog several years ago.  She spent months and months finding affordable, beautiful, eco-friendly (whoops, should have thought of that on my own!) products and compiling a valuable list of all the venders she uses, plus a few more!  The list only costs $25, but every penny goes to missions.  Really, it's a steal.  I'm surprised she doesn't charge more for it.  Anyways, I won't tell a single secret; you're going to have to buy the list yourself.  :)'s totally worth it.

from her blog:

Gorgeous, right?! 

xoxo Bec

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