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Monday, January 10, 2011

Kevin and Libby | Dallas, Texas wedding photographer

Behold, the beautiful of Kevin and Libby!!  I got to casually second-shoot these two, and I had so so much fun.  Libby and Jeff grew up together (sorta, she spent a lot of her growing up years overseas, as her parents are Wycliff missionaries), and I've gotten to know the this precious couple over the past few years, through Bible study, church, and the like.

Their wedding was a blast and a half.  Made completely from scratch and held in the most beautiful sanctuary in Dallas, both families were flanked by the most adoring and generous friends and extended family members.  It was a Godly and inspiring service to watch.  I am so excited to watch these two grow together and in the Lord!  Enjoy these photos!

Mr. and Mrs., in the words of one of your esteemed guests:  you rule.  :)  Thanks for asking me to help!  Love you guys!

xoxo Bec

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