Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mustang Technology Holiday Party

I'm not too much of an event photographer, especially on a bright, sunny day, but this was too much fun not to share!!  Mustang is a company that my dad and a few others started about ten (eleven? and a half?) years ago, after the company for whom they had previously worked gave them the choice to completely relocate (several state boarders would be crossed, mind you) or take a layoff.  Never has a layoff worked out so well.  From three or four, this group has grown to around one hundred employees, and has a few fistfuls of impressive accolades--including getting top ten on this list two years in a row!!  My brain doesn't have the capability to understand what all they do there, but I know they love it.  So yay for the holiday party!!

 We went to Park Lane Ranch in Dallas.  Jeff and I had to scoot early so we could get to his lovely momma's birthday dinner, so I didn't get photos of everything cool they had there--arcade games, craft room, dance floor, batting cages...but I did get the petting zoo who came to visit us!!  A LLAMA, people!!

 There were thirty-something animals, seriously.  Lots of goat-type-things (who could jump extremely well considering their big ol bellies!!), chickens, a rooster (I think), the llama, two donkeys, and the darn cutest pot belly pigs I have ever seen!

 Oh, and miniature golf.  Three courses!  My sweet husband was in seventh heaven.

 Okay, so at this point I feel like I need to emphasize that the petting zoo was definitely not the only attraction at this party.  Apparently I was obsessed, however.  Can you blame me?!

Heeeey that's my brother!!  Heeeey that's Sandy!!  She won the chipping contest, no contest.  Ha, get it?

He's mine, ladies.  Hands off.  The llama and the Jeff.  By the way, I'm aware that the quality of the photo on the right is a little off--but you should have seen the shenanigans (<-- did you know there's a correct way to spell that word?  I was just corrected.) that went into the making of this picture.  Dad with food, luring the llama...Jeff striking various ridiculous (but all quite attractive, of course!) poses just in case the llama happened to be photogenic at the same was grand.  This was my favorite.  Llama wasn't really feeling it, I guess.  But it was grand, I tell you!

Great party, as always!!  Hats off to the wonderful party planner(s) and the great folks at Mustang and Park Lane Ranch.  Can't wait until next time!
xoxo Bec

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