Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Wow, so it's been a while!  With all the typical holiday craziness and the growing pains between the old and new semester, it was kinda nice to have a break from editing photos, etc...but truth be told...I miss it!!

Thank heavens for Katie and Jamie, who are BEAUTIFUL and ENGAGED and ready to SMILE for me on Saturday!!  I am so excited.  Every time someone schedules a photo-date, I get super psyched, and become convinced that it's going to be the best shoot I've ever done.  Once again, I'm psyched and convinced!  Get ready to see some creativity people!!

Soon thereafter, we'll get to see my perfect nephew Wyatt once again, and then I don't have anything scheduled until March!!  Boo!!  If you're interested in a photo-date, please email me at and we will get it all set up.  Hmm...reminds me, I have a model who owes me a photo-date, and I haven't cashed in that coupon yet.  I've been brainstorming, trying to come up with the perfect idea for this young lady, and I can't narrow it down.  Please leave a comment with any suggestions you have!!  Aren't these two girls gorgeous?  My model-to-be is the lovely blonde.

What do you think??  Be creative!!

xoxo Bec

1 comment:

  1. Wigs. Lots of them. And then Photoshop slivers of each picture together :)

    a "dancing in the rain" theme

    use fun looking/colored foods as props

    put a old vanity mirror and table set in the middle of a field

    put a funky living room set in a field or middle of a street (like on Juno)
