Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Luke and Haley | Gunter, TX Engagement Photographer

Precious.  Absolutely precious.  Luke and Haley are nothing if they're not precious.  They met on a cruise.  They had a whirlwind-ish relationship that matured into an engagement.  They're enamored by each other.  They're getting married on the beach in Florida this coming summer.  They're precious.

Haley's family and my family have been close for quite a while now, and I was absolutely honored to have them ask me to take the couple's engagement photos.  I am so thrilled with how they turned out--due 100% to my wonderful, gorgeous, and (you guessed it) precious models!!







Thanks for choosing me, Luke and Haley!!  I'm praying for God's blessings to continue to shower over you.

xoxo Bec

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