Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Baby is coming soon!!

Well, I've been trying to limit my social-media-advertising of this little baby, just to stay out of people's hair.  I've put up PLENTY of pictures on instagram ( @beccaegger ) because I figure folks who look at that are wanting to see photos...but, in the process, I know I've limited information to folks who genuinely care about us, and I want to be sure to extend a little excitement your way!

Baby is doing GREAT.  She (!!) is due in about three and a half weeks (holy Moses), and I think Jeff and I are almost ready.  We had an incredible birth class with a friend who is an outstanding doula, we have a great team of OB's on our side, and we toured our local hospital and LOVE it.  We have a pediatrician all picked out, and I have washed about seventeen thousand ADORABLE outfits for little miss to model for us.  We've had a couple ridiculously generous showers, and are hoping to have a couple "sip and see" type parties in  a few months for friends we don't see often enough, so they can meet our little girl.  I think we have one big shopping trip left, and I can only think of two more items that need we really are getting there!  Am I forgetting anything?!

Now, all that being said, I know we're not ready in the least for the wild adventure heading our way...but we have the most fantastic support system in the world, and with the grace of God, I know we'll make it.

The decorations in the baby's room are almost done, and I think I'll probably geek out and share a few photos when it's all ready.  I mean, if that's cool. :)

Alright.  Tata for now.  Baby soon.  Again...holy Moses.

xoxo Bec

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