Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Change is gonna come...

I've alluded to some upcoming changes here in the business, and I've decided that the time has come to publicly discuss some ideas with all of you!  Please, contain your excitement.  :)

Here are a few non-negotiables:
1. We're doing photography here.  Boom.
2. I'm going to focus primarily--almost exclusively--on senior portraits.  Boom times two.  Boom boom.
3. We're going to keep prices reasonable while maintaining the value of the product.  I'm done with the boom thing.  

Other than those three points, a lot is up in the air!  I'm reading a great book right now--May I Have Your Attention, Please--as recommended by a friend and trusted professional.  I'm exactly (seriously, exactly) halfway through it, and can't wait to finish it.  My students asked me today what I was reading, and I showed them, and they were like, "Ewww...that's about business and stuff?  Gross," and went back to their vampire-Sherlock-romance-thrillers.  I'd usually agree with them, but this is a great read, and is making me think a lot about the BE Photography brand, what it already represents, and what I would like for it to represent.

Going forward, I really would like some feedback.  So, if you don't mind, please answer any or all of these questions in the "comments" section, so I can be sure I'm on the right track!  Whether or not we've ever met, if you like my work, I really do relish your feedback.

1. What makes BE Photography different than the other (wonderful!) photography businesses out there?
2. Other than price and products, what guides your decision in choosing a photographer?
3. If you know me, what are a few words you'd use to describe me?
4. If you do not hire a photographer often, what would it take to change your habits?

That's it.  Pretty simple.  Answer any or all!  I'll bring you a chocolate as a thank you!  ...maybe...

xoxo Bec


  1. Hey Becca! I don't know that I really have any specific answer to any of your questions- but I thought that I'd share with you why I chose you. It really came down to you. You are such a fun loving spirit and I know that my senior pictures would not have come out better with anyone else (even someone more experienced) because it was you that made me feel so comfortable and just relaxed for the pictures. You made me genuinely laugh which I thought was really important. I chose you because I knew you before and I know that you have such a passion and dedication for most of what you do! During our shoot we connected which I think brought out the best in me for the photos! We, as a family, do not hire professional photographers- like ever, but after you left, my mom and I literally immediately talked about hiring you again for family portraits or something- unfortunately, we talk about doing a lot that doesn't always get done. I would still love to hire you again any time I need a photographer! I have no idea if this helped, but I miss you! Good Luck in your coming days with the company and the soon to be arrival!

  2. Becca! I JUST saw this! I loooove that you are digging into this incredible book. Such a cheesy cover, right?! Haha :) Definitely one of those "don't judge a book..." moments. I'm coming to Dallas and would love to see you over coffee <3 - Ale
