Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sibling Day

According to many friends on my Facebook feed as well as a quick Google search, today is Sibling Day.  I can ignore a lot of special "days" during the year, but this one seems too great to pass up.

Kyle-- the most trusting and confidence-building brother I've ever met, out of all the big brothers in the world.  Brilliant.

Jenny-- incredible intelligence and wisdom beyond her years, along with a healthy dose of silly.  My voice of reason.

Rose-- a fighter, a poet, with her I never know what I'm going to get--and that's a wonderful way to live.  Always miss you.

Melissa-- genuinely hard to accurately describe.  Her sense of humor and reality are both a joy.  So is her style and tenacity.

Arturo-- a seeker of justice! My favorite thing is watching him sit in Dad's lap.  There's no blood between the two but the connection is irrevocable.

Samantha-- the longer I know her, the more hilarious she turns out to be!  A natural beauty.  She'll see it one day.

Anthony-- the crowd's favorite, who lets down his guard now and then to show his soft underbelly.  He's a good one.

Sandi-- wife to my brother, a sense of calm to his occasional artistic storm.  Great joy to our family.

Tiffany-- sister to my husband.  Family glue, an incredible mother, and most important (to me!), an honest and loving friend.

When did I become so blessed?

xoxo Bec

1 comment:

  1. Somehow in my frequent visits here, I missed this post until now! You're so sweet. And incredibly talented at describing people.

