Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Monday, November 1, 2010

The Suttons | Howe, Texas Family Photographer

So I promised myself I would finish editing these photos before I made a blog post...but I usually fail in the self-control department, so why not fail again!!  :)  I can't wait to share these.  I guess I'll just have to make another post after I edit the second half of their session tomorrow!

So, the Suttons.  Name might sound familiar, and that's because their brother/sister-in-law/cousins are the Suttons from a previous post on this here blog!  Both families, but this one in particular, are constants in my childhood memories.  Best friends, dirt-bike riding buddies, Scout leaders, youth group leaders, and regular ol' good friends are found in these photos!  Every family should love each other like these folks do.  I love love love them.  Enjoy!

Now this has to be a favorite.

 Thank you all so much for choosing me!!  Be looking for part 2...

xoxo Bec


  1. i think that may be the cutest baby i have ever seen! good job becca! next time you come down to cs i want you to take pictures of me :)

  2. Becca- if you ever tell me again that you are not good, I am seriously going to hit you. Love you
