Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sherman, TX Family Photographer | Brent, Kaara, and Emily

Okay, sit back and enjoy this one!!  Kaara contacted me a long time ago about taking some family pictures for them, and I am so so so so glad!!  Emily is right around her first birthday, and she is perfectly precious.  She wasn't fussy at all--amazing--and was full of beautiful smiles and giggles.  Her parents were absolutely fabulous as well.  So easy going, cheerful, and excited to be with each other.  I love meeting families that so clearly are in love with each other!  And now...enjoy!

 Thank you ever so much for choosing me!

xoxo Bec

1 comment:

  1. matter what you say to me, you are absolutely an amazing photographer! I want to know you're prices because I may ask you to take my bridal photos or something that involves this wedding. Love you
