Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Amanda | Van Alstyne, Texas Portraits

Amanda is the coolest, as you will soon see.  Jeff and I became friends with her while at A&M through...I believe it was Aggies in Mission.  I'm not exactly sure...but the point is, we came to know and love her so much that the "beginning" is kind of hazy--it seems like we've known her forever!!  Amanda is finishing up her student teaching and will be graduating from Texas A&M University (WHOOP!) in December.  Jeff and I were both so excited to get to hang out with her this morning.

Amanda, I'm more than flattered that you asked me to take your photos.  You're beautiful, radiant, and put up with my tie-dye and gymshort-wearing, Sound of Music-singing self.  WE LOVE YOU!!

 Thanks for choosing me!!
xoxo Bec

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