Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Travis and Heather | Love

Between locations, Travis and I found ourselves inside a Chik-fil-A making small talk while Heather was changing clothes.  I grew up with Heather but was just meeting Travis, and wanted to know more about this lucky guy who has managed to sweep such a gem of a girl off her feet.  I asked him several questions and eventually got to his work.  He's in sales, it's fine, he likes it but doesn't know how long-term it is.  I followed up by asking him what he wants to do with the rest of his life.

"All I know is I want to marry Heather."


xoxo Bec


  1. They are all beautiful. Perfect, in fact!

  2. Adorable, the ice cream ones make me smile :)

  3. These are so fun and natural. I love them all.Lots of smiles and happiness. Thank you, Rebecca!

  4. Well I am Heather's cousin and I absolutely love these pictures and what Travis said about knowing he wanted to marry her was so beautiful. I knew these guys would end up like this :) Congratulations and much love!

  5. I absolutely love the blue! Congrats to Travis & Heather! What a lovely couple! ♥

  6. These pictures are wonderful! I love the 7th one down! Congratulations!!

  7. Congrats, Heather & Travis!! Great photos!

  8. Becca, You did such a great job in capturing the personality and the love between these two birds! :) The quote from sweet Trav at the top made me tear up. These are two of the most beautiful people I know. Now I cant wait for wedding pics!!!

  9. What beautiful pictures of a beautiful couple!! :)

  10. These are great photos! Heather and Travis are so sweet! Can't wait for the wedding photos. Ruth

  11. Great pictures! Love the colors and the smiles.

  12. Love the pictures, y'all look great.

  13. So happy for you guys, these look awesome!

  14. Congratulations! These pics are so cute!
