Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Sunday, February 26, 2012


Here you go.  The new and improved Lowder family!

From left to right: Jeff, Becca, Samantha, Lynn/Mom, Melissa, Kent/Dad, Arturo, Jenny, Anthony, Tye, Sandi, and Kyle.  BOOM.  Missing Rose, of course.

First, this is Melissa.  She is spunky and beautiful and lovely and sixteen.

Next, Arturo.  He is going to be a professional base-basket-foot-ball star, and he is ten.

This is Samantha, age eight.  She is an artist, and I need to get more frames so I can decorate our house with her beautiful work.

Lastly, this is Anthony, and anyone who has met this five year old knows this picture sums up most of his personality.

We are absolutely blessed!  If you're the praying type, please feel free to print out these photos so you can pray for each of these kids by name.  And my parents.  Pray for them too.  Fruits of the spirit for all of us.

All our love!

xoxo Bec

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