Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I can smell summer!!

So so close.  Friday for me, next Friday for Jeff.

Here's the Egger update--interesting facts as of 5/25/2011.

* I got an iPhone a few weeks ago!  I am going to brag by posting all iPhone photos on this blog entry.  Booya.

* Big storm season!  However, I've apparently matured as I did not spend our tornado-time in the closet last night freaking out (as I would have ages 3-23)...instead I fell asleep.  My b.

* We're 100% employed for the 2011-2012 school year!  Jeff got a hefty promotion that we're completely excited about.  Hooray for being DINKS (what a weird acronym, by the way).  Here's the coaching staff at the athletic award banquet the other night.  Fancy schmancy shindig.  Not that the picture quality reflects that.  But this is about memories, people!!  We can deal with grain for the sake of memories.  Now everyone say awwww...

* In other news, Nolan likes eating holes in walls.  I may have referenced this before...but seriously.  Look.

Sorry it's sideways...I really really tried to turn it, swear!

In his defense, this has only happened once.  Counter-argument:  this wall belongs to my in-laws.  Defense smashed.

* Speaking of in-laws, my mother-in-law got the MOTHER OF THE YEAR award at church this year!!  I've been around for 4-5 Mother's Days, and the church always selects a fabulous mom for the award, but this recognition was long overdue.  Congrats, Karen!

ps--look at that cutie patootie in the middle.  eat your heart out, tyra!  smiiize!

* I also got business cards, thanks to Jessica Klepac and her fabulous skilz.  Call her.  Tell her I sent you.  Now.  For everything.

* I would be remiss to omit my Saturday night fun from this past week.  Not an iPhone photo, sorry.

Nothing says 8th grade dance like two guys giving flying-through-the-air-and-landing-awkwardly-on-the-ground high-fives!!  ...right?  Right?  Seriously though.  Tons of fun.

Side note:  a special family member is in their final days right now.  Please be praying for my grandmother especially.  We can celebrate because we'll see him again, but the meantime will be difficult.

What's coming up?  Two wonderful weddings for which Jeff gets to bust out his top-notch groomsman skills, a couple others we're blessed to attend as guests, CAMP RYLA HOLY SMOKES, training, photographing, and hopefully signing up for this baby.  Plus we're moving.  That probably sounds like a huge deal...but it's only about a block and a half away.  No biggie.

The most important item on the agenda?  Teaching Nolan that digging holes--whether in sheet rock or landlord-owned bermuda--is unacceptable.  We're getting there.

Well folks...that's all I've got.  Over and out.

xoxo Bec

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