Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Sunday, February 13, 2011


Really, we're all winners.  For serious.  And that's what my photography is about.  Showing you what a winner you are!!  But I'm talking about the winners of my sweet awesome little drawing I had via the fabulous venue of facebook.  Here's how it went down:

1.  I made a fanpage and announced that the first 500 fans of the page would be entered in a drawing for a free photo-date and a free 11x14 canvas (a $195 total value, mind you).

2.  I watched with glee as fan after fan "liked" my page.  This was extremely good/bad for my ego, depending on your perspective.

3.  The speed of fan joinage slowed, and I realized that 500 was a lofty goal, and it might be time to get reasonable.

4.  I changed the rules, so instead of 500 fans, there was a deadline.  Whoever was in was in!!

5.  At 11 pm on the aformentioned deadling day, I began handwriting names.

6. At 12:30 AM (DID NOT THINK it would take this long!!) I finished and had decided that after all that I wasn't going to only draw one name...three names it would be!!

7.  I got really really really nervous.  And then I drew.

Here's documentation!!

EEK, so many!!  Were you one of the lucky ducks in this pretty bowl?

Nolan could NOT stay out of my biz.

At this point, I was extremely extremely nervous.  I have 0% idea why.

#1, winner of the photo-date and the free 11x14 canvas...KAARA!!  YAY!!!!

#2, winner of a photo-date...Kristi!!  So eager to make a new friend in my teaching-town!

And #3, winner of a photo-date, Jill!!  She's not used to getting third you can understand, if you do a little research on TCU basketball.

YAY YAY YAY!!  Thank you to everyone for the mountains of support.  Can't wait to have these ladies cash in their prizes!

xoxo Bec

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