Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Personal: Poetry

A the risk of sounding really corny/angsty/nostalgic/like some of my dear and very loved students, I open this post like so:

I went to a poetry workshop today, and I was reminded of an important part of myself that has been ignored.

Ahhh, can you feel the teenage glow bursting off that line?!  I can!!  Haha...but it's for real!  Teacher are required to get 2039482 hours of inservice every year (give or take) (by the way, my web browser doesn't recognize that "inservice" is a word.  That should mean something), and usually about 2039481 of those hours aren't a lot of fun. I can count on the technology department at GHS to come up with great/applicable material, but other than that...usually it's a little depressing.  Or a lot.  Can I get an AMEN from the teachers out there?!

But today--today was good.  Kay Shurtleff was our presenter, and she was a trip.  Talk about a gifted teacher.  Anyhow, we talked all about poetry, and personally went through a lot of her starters, tools, exercises, etc. together.  And I remembered that I love to write.  And think.  And writeandthink.

So be looking for more of that, hopefully.  TV sucks, I'm going to cut out about 80% of that from now on.   Brain-thinking rulz.

xoxo Bec

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