Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jamie and Katie | Frisco, Texas Engagement Photographer

Me oh my I picked way too many photos for this post!!  I don't think anybody will blame me; these two are picture perfect.

Let's see.  I met Jamie when I was a freshman in high school, so that'd be circa 2001.  Oh mercy, ten years ago.  Anyhow, we went to church together for the next several years, and became really great friends.  I love and respect him very much.  And then...he found Katie.  And she is absolutely fabulous.  I don't know if I can emphasize that enough.  Fabulous.  Fabulous.  FABULOUS.  Fabulous.  Hmm.  Still not emphasized enough.  I had such a fun time playing with these two last Saturday.  We went to the new municipal parking garage in Frisco--it's FREE--and then snuck around the library a bit.  They were willing to do absolutely anything I suggested and they're completely enamoured with each other.  It was perfect!


 Is Katie not as photogenic as it gets?  Seriously.  These two are such a blessing.  Jamie and Katie, thanks for choosing me!

xoxo Bec

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