Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Caysi | Sherman, TX Photographer

I love Caysi.  I've been sitting here trying to figure out how to be economical in my words, and at the same time express just how special this girl is.  Then, I looked through the pictures and realized--I need to rephrase that!  How special this woman is!!

I don't want to go all Cosby Show "Woman's Day" on you or I'll try to avoid the corniness.  But seriously.  Caysi has always been old for her age (in a good way :)--she was one of those eight-year-olds who was already a teenager.  She has a gift for people.  She has friends twenty year older and twenty years younger than herself.  She is wise, creative, goal-oriented, lovely.  She was a collegiate cheerleader, and she's going to be the best darn cosmetologist you've ever met.  She already is, actually.  Email me ( ) if you want to get in touch with her!

Anyhow, throw out that idea about being economical with my words...haha!!  I should have known not to try.  I asked Caysi yesterday if she wanted to go play in the snow with me today if both our schools canceled classes...and obviously she said yes, which was very kind, since for some crazy reason she hates being in front of the camera!!  All in favor of Caysi getting in front of the camera much more often, say "aye!"


I love you Cays!!  Thanks for putting up with me!!
xoxo Bec

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