Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Why I don't take pictures

Sometimes I feel guilty because I don't take pictures.  When it comes to family events like birthdays, holidays, weddings, etc.--my camera usually isn't out.  In fact, it's probably still at home.  My husband is a football/basketball/track coach, and I never take my camera to games.  I have friends who are photographers who carry their cameras in their purses, ready to snap a beautiful photo of the most casual moments--the stuff memories are made of.  I usually pull out my cell phone, if that.  Mommas crowd the sidelines in this small town with their dslr cameras, each leaving the game with beautiful shots of their boys catching, running, blocking.

I eat nachos.

I really, seriously feel guilty about this sometimes.  I have tried to figure out why I don't take pictures when I'm not hired to do so.  It's not because I'm burned out--photography is still a joy, and besides, it's a side-job, and I don't work enough to be burned out (that's the way to do it!).  It's not because I don't care.  The events I care about the most are often the ones I attend without a camera.  It's not because I don't like candid photos of everyday moments.  Those are my favorites.

So why don't I?

I don't know.  I don't even think about it until afterwards, usually.  And usually I don't regret not having photos, I just feel guilty, wondering if someone expected me to take photos.

So I figure that's okay.  Because it's not my job to worry about what other people expect of me, unless that person is my husband or my boss.

Life lessons with Becca.  Boom.

xoxo Bec

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