Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Thompson Family

The Thompson family is as good as it gets!  They are beautiful, genuinely kind, tender-hearted, brilliant, brilliantly talented, and just...great.  Perhaps my favorite thing about this family is the great hold they have on language.  I'm a nerd, I know, but geeze.  Each member of this family has the ability to choose just the right word for exactly what they mean, which is such a gift.  They know the truth: that less is more.

They've been a source of friendship to my sweet husband Jeff since he was a little kid, and the family has been a source of support and wisdom for me, as well as us in our marriage, for several precious years now!  Suffice to say, I love these people.

Okay, so a little story about where we took these photos.  Getting everyone together for this was quite a feat, as Chicago and California each had to give up some valuable residents for a few days so Texas could benefit. Christmas is good for things like that.  Anyways, we met up at Dave and Alison's house, and it started to rain.  Awesome.  No going outside.  I'm not great with artificial light, either, so inside wasn't a good option.  What to do, what to do?!  GASP.  John Paul to the rescue.  He has keys to the church (keys that had hidden themselves for a brief moment, but were found earlier in the afternoon).  Keys that could open up the 5th floor gym, one of the coolest rooms I've ever seen (with gobs of windows [natural light]), especially at a church.  It's decided.  To the church we go.

The gym wouldn't open.  The key wouldn't work.

The John Paul stopped and prayed.

And then the door opened.

And were were able to get these photos.

Again, love you guys.  Thank you for sharing your Christmas Eve with me.

xoxo Bec


  1. WOW - Awesome pictures, thank you for sharing

  2. Love this family! Love what you were able to capture! Love you!

