Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Christmas Gifts

Okay, I know it's still October--and mid-October at that--but I am a bargain hunter and I love giving gifts, so it's TIME to start thinking about these sorts of things!!

I wanted to throw a little thought out there to the blog-world.  There's a little graphic floating around facebook that says something to the effect of, "Want to occupy Wall Street?  Do your holiday shopping at a small independent merchant."  Now, I am not going to pretend to understand what is going on in local or national politics, with white-collared folks or sign-holding folks, but I can tell you that I definitely understand and support a certain side of that graphic!!

Please do buy from small independent merchants.  Speaking as someone whose college career was supported by the income from a small business, as well as being a small business owner myself, I can testify that this kind of thing is risky and rewarding, but we don't put ourselves out there unless we believe in our products.  Our country has several dominating retailers who do a great job of producing mass quantity at a scanty price--and I shop at those places too--but I think we should all make an effort to shift our shopping more towards quality merchants who truly need our support.

This isn't just throwing money towards goofy, inartistic individuals, either--there are some beautiful products out there just waiting to introduce themselves to you.

Needs ideas?  YOU GOT IT.  :)

Etsy is one of my favorite sites.  Favorite vendors?  Among them... Petunkalunka, HOUSEofLOVELY, and Annie's Block Corner.  Okay, Annie's isn't an etsy page, but her stuff is still so adorable!!

What else do I love?  PrettyTape and Fabuluster for sure.

How about food?  I know of some great tamales!!  This is probably what my grandmother wants...

Sassy hats?  Oh I've got that for you too.

Wait, wait--we've forgotten about a GREAT option!  Music!!  Here are some of my favorites:  BarronCPRyan and RyanLainey Wright, the bands supported by The Pandarosa, and Typewriter Poet.  Contact any of them, and give the gift of music!

Other ideas:  appointments with a beauty consultant (I'm going to be highlighting one very soon!  Stay tuned!) for a young teen girl learning the "ropes" of makeup and hairstyle.  World Vision's gift catalog.  Amazing.  Membership at a local gym, like Get Fit Gunter or Texoma Fit.  Or, instead of getting your friends and family gift cards to nation-wide restaurants, get a gift certificate to a local one!

Of course, I love Thread Houston.  Most beautiful baby clothes, maternity clothes, baby toys, etc. that I've ever seen!

Don't forget to think about the wonderfully talented people in your life who offer great skills and services.  We had someone come clean the house for Mother's Day once--might have been the best gift we've ever given.  :)  We had Dad's truck detailed this summer--total hit.

My fav?  Oh, that's BE Photography for sure.  :)  That's right!  I offer gorgeous prints at really affordable prices.  Have we already taken photos this year?  Would you like to give your parents or loved ones a beautiful framed print or mounted canvas?  Just email me!!  Haven't taken pictures yet, but want to?  We're losing daylight!  Literally!  Have you looked outside recently?  Email me pronto!!

Start your Christmas "shopping" a little early by looking around the internet, thinking about what gifts and talents your friends and family have, and make a difference in the way you shop!  I'm going to try this tactic with the rest of my holiday shopping, and I'm pretty excited about it.

Whew.  That was a lot of words.  Here's a handsome little devil to balance it all out.  Cheers!!

xoxo Bec

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