Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Friday, October 11, 2013

Jade | Senior 2013

So, if you're the kind of sassy person who sees pretty people and assumes that they're stuck up, or snobbish, or probably just so self-centered that you wouldn't even want to get to know them...guess what.

You're wrong.

Because the young lady that you're about to see is as stunningly gorgeous as they come, and she is as much of a jewel in her character and heart as she is to look at.  And I know that for a fact, because not only did I have the extreme pleasure of coaching Jade in cheerleading her freshman year, not ONLY did I get to be her English teacher the next year, but I also had the chance to experience one of the toughest and most devastating moments of my little life alongside this young lady, and let me tell you--she's as good as they come.

So there, sassy sassersons.

Hair and makeup by Tara O'Bannon

xoxo Bec

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! You captured my precious granddaughter perfectly. I can feel her sweet, caring personality coming from these pictures. Thank you.
    Sandy Fioretti
