Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New new new new new

Today is the seventh day of the fourth year of my teaching career.

It is also the seventh day in my new school.

I'm starting to know my student's names (sorry, I'm honest.  I'm slow with names).  I eat lunch with my husband (and others too, but surely I can't be blamed for my husband-lunch-happiness).  I've had two students break down in tears because life sucks.  I have a messy desk.  My conference feels long some days and short others.  I get to sleep in later than ever--school doesn't start until 8:55.  I miss my former coworkers and students.  I'm starting to love my new ones.

It's a good day.

Here's a tour (via phone photos, sorry!) of my room, for those who may care!

This is from our brag board.  Obviously I have very attractive that's relevant, I'm not sure.

This is my back wall--my sweet husband worked very hard painting the wall for me.  I promise I didn't ask him to--he's just that great!  The top middle painting is from one of my former students--cool, right?

Here's a montage of my friends and family!  Hooray!

Here are a couple of journals they got to decorate.  I keep meaning to ask about the pillows...

I've yet to find  "inspirational posters" that I like (read:  that I don't hate), but I have gone the nerd route and printed out a few pieces that I think are significant.  Hey Katie and Barron, you're famous!

School supplies, woo!!  I can't tell you how weird it is to make a list of supplies and then have students walk in with everything I asked for.  Yes, this has happened before, but my "teacher power" has yet to cease to amaze me.  If kids want to go to the bathroom, and I say no...they can't go.  Isn't that NUTS?!

A few former students--sweet babies!!

My messy desk.  I cringe.

And that's where you'll find me this fine Wednesday.  Thinking about paperwork, assignments, lost supplies, curriculum, and kids.  But the kids are my favorite.  They're neat.

xoxo Bec

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