Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Monday, July 9, 2012

Reagan | Gunter High School Senior

Everything about this morning was divine.

The weather:  pouring.  Absolutely pouring on the drive to the lake.  So loud that, at one point, I thoughtlessly reached for the radio volume control to try to quiet the rain.  Then it stopped--as we pulled into the parking lot.  Absolutely beautiful for the full hour and a half that we shot.  As I said, "Let's pack up!" the rain began again.

The light:  you'll see.  Glowing!

My model:  Oh. my. gracious.  Just you wait.  Reagan just may be the most photogenic young woman I've ever met.  Best serious face of all time.  Gorgeous smile.  Her eyes.  Her eyes, people!

The accessories:  I had craft time the other day.  Crafts with me are pretty hit and miss...some successes, some...not.  But today, everything worked.  Miracle of miracles!

Without further ado...

Drumroll, please! crafts!  Haha,. super exciting for me.  Thank you for your mutual excitement, I know it's there!

Okay, I said that the rain held off for our entire shoot, right?  Well, it did!  Reagan and I were running to the car right as the sky opened up for the second time in just a few hours.  Standing under my hatchback, we were putting everything away when she geniousnessly (ironically, that's not a word, ha!) suggested just a few more shots.


I feel like a winner today.  Reagan, I'm telling you, we're going to be famous!

xoxo Bec


  1. Rebecca, the pics are phenomenal!!! And Reagan, just gorgeous! I was going to pick a favorite-but they're all so good!! Seriously :)
