Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Half Orange Photography Winter Workshop: 1

This weekend's workshop was absolutely a blessing.  More on that later.

On our way home, my sweet husband drove and allowed me to gab, think, and write.  And he helped me gab, think, and write.  He rocks.

We were trying to define my personal style (as per the advice of the Halfsies girls), and came up with a few words.

Here are a few things we said:

  • Classic with "quirk"
  • Spunky
  • All-American + casual
  • JCrew with Anthro "accents" ( = Made Well?)
  • A little different.
My sweet love bug also said that I "...don't follow social norms of what's 'supposed' to be worn together."  I think I'm glad he said that.  I'll let you know when I know for sure.

I think I like these descriptions.  I don't want to pose as the most crazy person ever, though my personal goal in life is to be as much like Jess as possible.  Hmm.  Hmm.

(a side note:  Nolan (big dog) is currently dragging Nellie (wee bit) around the living room via a towel shard they both have a death-mouth-grip on.  Adorbs.)

Anyhow, why are we defining my style?  Great question!  To paraphrase my sweet friends, the way I dress, the way I decorate my house--that's my perspective, my style.  I need to capitalize on that look in my photography.  I want my photos to reflect my style and go together, thus achieving constancy.  There will always, always be someone better, doing something different.  But there's only one Becca Egger! (which is not what google or facebook will tell you, but pff on them.

So, the search goes on.  The goal has been set.  I am on the hunt.  Watch out.

Want to add to the list?  I promise I won't go narcissistic on you.  Probably.  No, definitely not.  I think.  Comment and find out.  Boom.

xoxo Bec


  1. I am a Becca fan! If we lived in closer proximity I know, I just know, we would have slumber parties and watch Romy and Michele's High School Reunion. And Superstar. And New Girl. Eh? Eh? I just met you at the workshop, but I would describe you as personable, quirky, tasteful, intuitive and thoughtful.

    Too much too soon?

    1. Oh mercy, just enough! I think we share a destiny. Perhaps just on the webs. Perhaps not. Grateful to start finding out.
