Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Monday, December 31, 2012

Best of 2012

Whew!  What a year.  When my attitude is straight, I am repeatedly and thoroughly overwhelmed by how blessed I am in my personal and professional lives.  I have plenty of bad days and I have definitely faced heartache and loss in the last year, but because I know the end of the story, and I know Who wins, I can look to 2013 with joyful anticipation!

Here's a look back at 2012.  I am fairly certain that all my clients from this past year are included in this post...I really hope I didn't miss anyone!  I love and appreciate you guys so much.  Thank you for the continued support.  As I looked at my 2011 recap, I realized how much I've grown in the past year.  I am also spurred to experience even greater growth in 2013.  I guess we'll have to see how that turns out!

(Below each photo is a link to the full blog post, or posts, in case you'd like to see more.)

Audri  and  more!

Ellen and more!

xoxo Bec

Monday, December 24, 2012

Heinrich Familiy

I love love love these people.  Carrie asked me if we could get a few family photos during the holidays while everyone was at home, and I am so pleased that we did.  For all the love and support these folks have given my family, this is the least I could do for them.  Love you guys, and congratulations on the upcoming wedding, Haley and Martin!



xoxo Bec