Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Wednesday, December 11, 2013


FRIENDS.  I've been brainstorming sweet-awesome ways to jump back into senior portrait season after I come out of my maternity leave, and by golly, I HAVE STRUCK GOLD.

I just may have special connections to the best floral designer in Texas (not even kidding.  Did you like my wedding flowers?  What about my sister's?  What about this amazing piece on Eden, in the photo above?  Emily had some lovely florals too. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT.).  And I just may be able to hook you up.  Slash I'm TOTALLY going to hook you up.

So email me.  Or, if you're not a senior, please think and see if you know any girls who would love this rare princess treatment.  Have them email me.  I'm so so excited about this, and ready to fill up the ol' calendar.  So let's get cracking.

Lots of love, y'all.  Want to hear about how this baby thing is coming along?  I'll work on that soon.

xoxo Bec