Beauty is found in the genuine.

Beauty is found in the genuine.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Becca Egger Photography's new website and blog can be found at a new address.

Thank you for your loyalty!

xoxo Bec

Saturday, March 15, 2014


1. Baby is here, safe and sound.  We're very happy.
2. New website.  Check it out.
3. The URL for this blog will probably be changing soon, unless I can talk google into behaving.  Use to be safe.
4. It's been real.  Time to move over to the new website and blog!

xoxo Bec

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Almost there!

Well, I've had TONS (okay, maybe one or two...but that's all the encouragement I need, people) of requests for some preggo photos.  So...coming to you courtesy of my super incredible cell phone selfie skills, here you go!

Exhibit A:  the belly.

I took this photo a week or two ago...but I (think I) haven't grown much since then.  So, there you go!

Exhibit B:  the coat.

My cousin co-owns a kid's upscale resale clothing store in Houston, and this maternity coat I bought from her is, without a doubt, the best $20 I've spent in my maternity wardrobe.  It's been cold in Texas this winter!

Exhibit C:  the room.

Her room is almost done.  Here it is.  I think it's pretty cute, and not too baby-ish...and not too guest room-ish.  The room was already painted blue-tealish, which worked great for us.  

There are other cute parts to the room that you can't seen from this, once everything is totally done, I'll take higher quality photos and share those.  Because I know you all care so deeply.  :)

See that random femur bone on the floor between the rugs?  That's a little evidence of a well-known truth in our house:  baby's room is Nolan (oldest dog)'s favorite room.  He LOVES being in there, and it's not unusual for him to camp out on one of those rugs and chew on one of his toys.  The guy doesn't have a ton of patience, though, so there's a strong chance that once little bit comes along, he'll be hiding in a closet somewhere to get away from the noise.  We'll just have to see!

Here comes the baby!  The question is, when?!

xoxo Bec

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

38 weeks. Perfect time to start new projects, right?

38 weeks tomorrow.  Doctors say everything is good, baby's nice and comfy, we'll see when she comes.

Sweet.  So I totally have time to start learning how to work my new camera, which is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than any other camera I've ever owned, right?  And order new parts to replace the ones I don't like?  And start dealing with the big world of film?  Yes.

OH, and I definitely should be working on rebranding, complete with reading a great book that's making me examine the soul of my business, commissioning a new (amazing, by the way) logo, AND totally changing my website, pricing, the works.  Right?

Super logical.  Can I blame this on hormones?  Is this a strange sort of nesting?  Heeeelp.  Someone stop me!  I'm having way too much fun, but I don't know if I can wrap all this up in the next two weeks, which I'm not even guaranteed!

Luckily (providentially?), I have all my sub plans done at school.  So that worked out.


xoxo Bec

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Baby is coming soon!!

Well, I've been trying to limit my social-media-advertising of this little baby, just to stay out of people's hair.  I've put up PLENTY of pictures on instagram ( @beccaegger ) because I figure folks who look at that are wanting to see photos...but, in the process, I know I've limited information to folks who genuinely care about us, and I want to be sure to extend a little excitement your way!

Baby is doing GREAT.  She (!!) is due in about three and a half weeks (holy Moses), and I think Jeff and I are almost ready.  We had an incredible birth class with a friend who is an outstanding doula, we have a great team of OB's on our side, and we toured our local hospital and LOVE it.  We have a pediatrician all picked out, and I have washed about seventeen thousand ADORABLE outfits for little miss to model for us.  We've had a couple ridiculously generous showers, and are hoping to have a couple "sip and see" type parties in  a few months for friends we don't see often enough, so they can meet our little girl.  I think we have one big shopping trip left, and I can only think of two more items that need we really are getting there!  Am I forgetting anything?!

Now, all that being said, I know we're not ready in the least for the wild adventure heading our way...but we have the most fantastic support system in the world, and with the grace of God, I know we'll make it.

The decorations in the baby's room are almost done, and I think I'll probably geek out and share a few photos when it's all ready.  I mean, if that's cool. :)

Alright.  Tata for now.  Baby soon.  Again...holy Moses.

xoxo Bec

Friday, January 17, 2014

Follow up and schtuff.

Well, thank you so much to everyone who responded to my questions in my last blog entry!  I am excited to say that the results I received were pretty much lined up with the self-inquiry results with which I've been coming up, whew, I'm on the right track as I take this spring to evaluate the direction my business is headed in!  YAY!

A note:  Several folks voiced concern that I would be unavailable for family photos in the future.  Talk about making me feel like a million bucks, people!!  I'm more than flattered that I'd be a priority for such a vital part of your family's history.  And YES.  Please do still call me!  I will be marketing almost exclusively for seniors, but still greatly value the opportunity to photograph families, couples, babies, etc.  How could I not?  There are so many beautiful people out there!

So, I hope that clears a few things up.  I apologize for any confusion...that's my bad.  Obvi.

Love you people.  By the way, I ordered something SUPER EXCITING that has EVERYTHING to do with the direction in which I want to take this lovely business, and it's stuck in customs in Japan.  The tension is building.

xoxo Bec

Friday, January 10, 2014

Change is gonna come...

I've alluded to some upcoming changes here in the business, and I've decided that the time has come to publicly discuss some ideas with all of you!  Please, contain your excitement.  :)

Here are a few non-negotiables:
1. We're doing photography here.  Boom.
2. I'm going to focus primarily--almost exclusively--on senior portraits.  Boom times two.  Boom boom.
3. We're going to keep prices reasonable while maintaining the value of the product.  I'm done with the boom thing.  

Other than those three points, a lot is up in the air!  I'm reading a great book right now--May I Have Your Attention, Please--as recommended by a friend and trusted professional.  I'm exactly (seriously, exactly) halfway through it, and can't wait to finish it.  My students asked me today what I was reading, and I showed them, and they were like, "Ewww...that's about business and stuff?  Gross," and went back to their vampire-Sherlock-romance-thrillers.  I'd usually agree with them, but this is a great read, and is making me think a lot about the BE Photography brand, what it already represents, and what I would like for it to represent.

Going forward, I really would like some feedback.  So, if you don't mind, please answer any or all of these questions in the "comments" section, so I can be sure I'm on the right track!  Whether or not we've ever met, if you like my work, I really do relish your feedback.

1. What makes BE Photography different than the other (wonderful!) photography businesses out there?
2. Other than price and products, what guides your decision in choosing a photographer?
3. If you know me, what are a few words you'd use to describe me?
4. If you do not hire a photographer often, what would it take to change your habits?

That's it.  Pretty simple.  Answer any or all!  I'll bring you a chocolate as a thank you!  ...maybe...

xoxo Bec